Sunday, April 12, 2015

A short adventure

Well, for this adventure, I didn't really go anywhere...I ended up staying in London. But it was a bit of an adventure.

Monday and Tuesday (the 23rd and 24th of March) I had two finals to finish up my final week of class! I did pretty well on the tests, but I'm so glad that they're over! Anyway...Tuesday night I headed to Forbidden Planet on Shaftesbury Avenue where I was able to meet one of the authors that I love!

Before I went there, I had dinner at Tortilla and then walked to Forbidden Planet. I was glad that I got there early, because the line was already a bit long when I got there. While we waited, I was able to make a new friend in line and we talked about books that we liked to read and a bit about our lives! Who knew that I would be open to talking to new people! I was pretty proud of myself. At 6:00 Maria V. Snyder appeared!

She introduced her new book called Shadow Study and even read a bit from a chapter and made sure that there weren't any spoilers.

After a Q&A, she began to sign books and take pictures! I had previously purchased my book from a different bookstore. But I was glad to get it signed and also get a picture with her!

I thought it was pretty funny that I had to come all the way to the UK to get a picture and see one of my favorite authors who's American. Now I just need to get the chance to read the book, hey I've been pretty busy the past month or so!

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