Sunday, July 5, 2015

And I have a bow and arrows. Nothing makes sense!

After dropping mum off at the airport, I headed back to the flat to figure out what to do next! My roommate, MC, and I decided it was time to go see a sight in London that was crucial to our childhoods. (Actually, not really, it was just a big spot that we had been talking about going to visit for quite some time)

We went to the Parent Trap House!!! 

Interestingly enough, this house (which is just around the corner from Harrods) sold for £14 million in 2010! WOW. And surprisingly enough, it doesn't look like it did in the movie, they must have just used a set somewhere in town, but it's still a gorgeous house! 

Afterwards we headed home and I went shopping for groceries, mostly snacks to get me through the next couple of days. 

At about 11:00 that night, I headed to the Westview Shopping Center to save my spot in line for the Avengers European Premiere! 

That's right folks! I was getting in line to save my spot for the premiere that started at 6:00 Tuesday night! I had a long night ahead of me. It was mostly filled with me shivering, standing in the cold weather of London. Thankfully, I wasn't waiting alone, my friend PC joined me at about 12:30 and sat in line with me. We took shifts standing and sitting and running to the toilets. And thankfully we made some friends in line behind us who were from all over England. I had brought two books with me to read along with water, snacks and some extra layers to keep me warm throughout the night. 

At about 8:00 the next morning, they finally let us in the shopping center to get our places against the gates.  

We had a very long time to wait! Thankfully, in that 10 hours I was able to finish not one, but BOTH of my books, along with taking two 45 minutes naps and talk with the people around me. So overall, it wasn't that bad of a wait. I had spent the night in my glasses and most of the day so that I wouldn't have terribly red eyes when it was time to take pictures. 

At about 5:30, they sent some sort of DJ out to give away prizes which included tickets to the showing after the premiere along with the jacket that Chris Evans wore on set and the jacket that Scarlett Johansson wore as well. The DJ quickly became annoying because he kept saying "Now listen hear guys" or "Are you ready for this?" Of course we were ready!!! We had been waiting for more than 15 hours!!!

FINALLY at 6:00, Joss Whedon was the first person to step out on the stage, followed by Paul Bettany, Chris Hemsworth

Elizabeth Olsen (she looked fantastic btw)

Mark Ruffalo 

Right as I was taking this picture someone bumped my arm

Jeremy Renner

Robert Downy Jr. 

Chris Evans

Chris's Date was his brother Scott who was pretty cute:)

Scarlett Johansson (who also looked super hot!)

And Aaron Taylor Johnson

I was even featured in the official Marvel European Premiere for half a second!

I was a bit upset that James Spader who plays Ultron and Hayley Atwell who plays Peggy Carter weren't there. 

My two favorite cast members were Jeremy and Mark because they spent the longest on the floor signing autographs and taking pictures with fans!

The premiere finally ended around 7:30-8:00. (I wasn't too sure because I was so tired I could barely stay on my feet anymore) PC and I finally headed home where I took a shower and passed out on the couch. 

The next day (April 22) was a recuperating day for me. I was EXHAUSTED from my traveling and my Avengers adventure. But, the girls and I, (TP, MC and PC) headed to the same Westview Shopping center to see the midnight premiere of Avengers Age of Ultron! 

One thing that I do like about cinemas in the UK is that if you want to go to a midnight showing, you can buy your tickets online and reserve your seats so you don't have to wait in line for hours at a time! I think that theaters in the US should start doing that! It would save everyone a lot of time!

The movie was AWESOME! (If you haven't seen it yet I recommend it!) There was more action that the first one, but I felt that there wasn't as many one liners to quote and laugh at. But that's ok! Marvel did it again! 

After the movie ended it was time to head back and crash once again! 

April 23 (Thursday) we spent some of the day sitting around, until AR, MC, TP, and I went to the south bank where Up and Go (an Australian breakfast drink company had set up a large obstacle course to run through). 

Surprisingly, walking along the south bank, I found a cute little book seller who was selling a ton of books for a discounted price. 

I told the girls to go on ahead while I browsed the books (I didn't find anything to buy unfortunately) and I would catch up later.

I finally caught up while they were waiting in line to go through the obstacle course and sat and took pictures while they ran through. 

Afterwards, we split up, MC and AR headed back home to get some homework done, and TP and I took off in search of an adventure. 

We ended up walking past the original Twinings shop that opened sometime in the 1800's and sells a TON of tea that they don't sell in the shops. (I ended up trying a new flavor of tea called Super fruity and now I'm hooked)

We kept walking and ended up over by St. Paul's Cathedral and found St. Bart's hospital, yes the VERY SAME hospital that Sherlock Holmes fell to his death at. 

Yes, I could not be a true Sherlock fan if I didn't take a stop by St. Bart's and take my own sidewalk picture. (And yes I did get some funny looks as I lay on the ground so TP could take my picture)

The funny thing was that all the windows on the ground floor had messages such as "Sherlock lives" or "Johnlock forever" or "Did you miss me?" written in the dust.  

After that we headed home and I sat down to pack up a suitcase for my trip to Greece!

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