Sunday, October 11, 2015

“You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all.” Clockwork Princess

Thursday May 21st was a busy day. Most of us spent the day packing and exploring. I finally made my way to Camden Market with the girls as my last hoorah with them before my dad came.

We made our way through the market, mostly looking for food to eat. We went our separate ways, PC and AR got some sort of potatoes while I decided to get some real Pierogi!

The cute guy at the stall told me that "I should keep smiling because I have a really beautiful smile." he completely made my day! 

AR and AS left to go look for a bike shop somewhere else in London, whereas RT, PC and I decided to look around the market for anything we couldn't live without. I actually ran into my friend SJ (one of the friends I went to Greece with) and her parents who were also exploring the market. They were really nice! But the three of us continued until we hit a cute shop called Collective that sells vintage clothes from the 40s and 50s! 

I found an outfit that I loved and decided I couldn't live without it, so I bought it! 

This picture was taken later in the flat.

We continued through the market after my sudden shopping spree and stopped by a milkshake stand. It was probably one of the best milkshakes I had in my entire life!!! 

After we were done browsing the market, we found ourself heading back to the flat via a bus. And because the traffic system isn't always the best in the big city, we spent almost an hour on the bus trying to get home. Once we got home, it was pack, pack, pack. I was not happy about packing, but we had one more full day in the apartment before we had to leave. 

The next morning, I headed out to Heathrow to pick up my dad from the airport! He was there for less than 48 hours (what an awesome dad!) to help collect my baggage so that I wouldn't have to worry about it while I was in Paris or collecting it while we were on the continent. 

We quickly dropped off his luggage at my flat since he would be spending the night there, and then headed back to the Arsenal stadium (he was jealous that I went without him the week before). We went on a tour (which he was pretty excited about) 

During the tour, we were able to go down and sit in Arsene Wenger's chair (The manager of Arsenal) on the pitch. Let me tell you...those seats were VERY nice! We spent a good 30 minutes sitting in the seats just looking at the beautiful view. I really thought that dad might get arrested because he really wanted to go out and touch the pitch. Thankfully, I was able to pull him back and we continued on our tour without getting kicked out or arrested. 

After Arsenal stadium, I wanted to introduce him to Bad Brownie, so we made our way to King's Cross, where the stand was that day. He was pretty overwhelmed by the brownie so we decided to ride bikes back to my flat. We then crashed at home. 

The next morning, it was time to say goodbye to everyone. 

PC and RT left first, they had hired a cab to come and pick them up and take them to the airport. Not long after, AS and AR left as well. It was just TP and I in the flat cleaning up the remainder of our stuff. TP was on a 2 week trip around the UK and Iceland with her parents, whereas dad and I were on our way to the hotel across the street from Victoria station. 

Because it was so early in the morning, we made our way to Borough Market for a tasty treat (mostly cheese and cookies) 

Especially the delicious Mayfield Cheese

We then spent our time doing dad's favorite past time. Yup, you guessed it, riding bikes! London's got  an awesome biking system that lets you pay £2 for the first 30 minutes and then another £2 for an extra 30 minutes after that. Oh course because this is London, we got caught in the rain:)

We spent the rest of the day riding around, and then we went to the Chelsea stadium and then went and watching Avengers 2 in Piccadilly Circus. We went to dinner that night and headed back to the hotel. The next morning we headed to the tube station, I was on my way to King's Cross Station while  dad was back off to Heathrow to head back home. He would be there less than a week and then head back with Josh and Megan. 

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