Sunday, February 1, 2015

Fantastic February

Wow. I cannot believe that it is already February. As of yesterday I had been in London an entire month and it sure doesn't feel like it. I can't decide if it feels like I've been here longer or shorter than a month. When I think of how long it has been since I've seen a certain person I feel like it has been forever, but when I think of what I've been doing in London and all the things I've seen I feel like I've only been here a week.

Friday. Can you guess what we did? If you guessed Borough Market you'd be correct! I've decided that every time I go to BM I'll try something new to eat! So this time I got shrimp, squid, and mussel stir fry (at least it was something like that, I'm not exactly sure what it was called)

But each week when I walk past that stall, they are always handing out spoonful samples and I decided to get some this week! It was delicious, but I couldn't finish it all unfortunately. And for dessert I went for some more goat milk ice cream! (to argue, it is a bit healthier than regular ice cream)

I know I know. It was below 40 degrees and I got some ice cream. Well to tell you the truth I wasn't going to get any, but when I approached the stand I saw that they had different flavors from last week! I sampled some salted caramel and fell in love. So thats what I got:) The girls with me joked to the man at the stall that I needed a loyalty card and I had to agree with them. 

TP and I went shopping on Oxford street because her birthday was Saturday and she wanted to look for shoes to go with her birthday outfit. (Who was I to argue about going shopping, especially since we went to Forever 21, which was 3 stories tall!) It was actually the first time I went shopping and spent money on more than one item! I bought two new tops, and undershirt and some more yoga pants for class! To be brutally honest, I'm really intimidated shopping in London because most of the stores are 3 stories or more and I don't know where to start. So most of the time I usually wander about aimlessly until the person I'm with is ready to go. 

Saturday was TP's birthday and I had some errands to run (some of which were for myself and a couple were for her birthday). Ever since PC got me looking at used bookstores I have been determined to find the original UK Harry Potter books.

In case you were wondering I've decided to reread Harry Potter while I'm here. And while I don't need the paper copies of the books to read them, I would still like to take them home with me. I went to a couple different secondhand bookstores that I researched (which surprisingly there are a lot of in London), but I didn't have any luck. 

All of the bookstores were rather large and books lined the walls from floor to ceiling as you can see in the picture above. Most of the stores had a basement as well as a ground floor and I could have spent forever browsing through them and probably spent a fortune. I'm determined to find some more bookshops while I'm here. However, I did manage to buy 4 books while I was out and about. 

A Doctor Who Shooting Scripts books. (Don't ask me what I'm going to do with it, I'm not entirely sure) and the three Lord of the Rings in One book! I also bought The Cukoo's Calling and The Silkworm written by Robert Galbraith (AKA JK Rowling) Now I know what you must think, her book The Casual Vacancy was terrible, why would you read anything of hers that isn't Harry Potter. And while I must agree with you there, I really enjoyed her crime novels, they are indeed much better than the Casual Vacancy. 

Now, I did have other things to do to get ready for TP's birthday, so I couldn't spend my entire day in the bookstores. After leaving, I travelled to Lola's Kitchen (which sells fantastic cupcakes, I was able to control myself don't worry) and picked up her birthday cake!

When I ordered it I thought I picked the buttercream blue option, but I guess I picked red, but the cake still turned out really cute! We went to this place called The Diner for her birthday and celebrated! This restaurant was supposed to resemble a 50's American Style restaurant, but I thought it missed the mark. They did have, however, really good music and really good food. They had lots of American food (I will probably end up there a couple of times during the semester) and they served breakfast all day! I was in heaven! I ordered a short stack of pancakes (which I have been dying for) and onion rings (which I have also been dying for). The pancakes were delicious, but because we were in the UK the didn't bring me enough syrup (healthier I know, but I still like my pancakes drowning in syrup). They also served milkshakes and burgers and lots of different types of fries! After we got home we sang to TP and ate some cake and then we played charades! Overall it was a very fun night!

Today was a very cold day and I nearly froze on my way to church. (Surprisingly, the north of the UK is getting or got a large snowstorm, so it's dropped the temperature here). I was almost late actually because I woke up late and took a bus instead of the tube. We had a wonderful Testimony meeting and for Sunday School we talked about the Light of Christ and watched a video with Elder Bednar in it. For Relief Society we talked about refocusing ourselves on the Savior and Sister Philips (the couple missionaries) said something that touched me she asked "If we were brought to court before witnesses, would there be enough evidence in our life to convict us of being a Christian?" And I thought about that and the things in my life that would be proof to others that I was a Christian, that I believed in Christ. I thought about my pictures of Christ hanging on the wall at my house along with temple pictures. And while I may not have decorations hanging up in my flat, I can also be convicted through the books and music found on my phone. Just an interesting thought.

After church I had the opportunity to FaceTime one of my families. It was an unexpected and wonderful surprise. I loved seeing my respite kid and know that he's missing me just as much as I'm missing him! I was happy to see each member of the family and catch up with them! We've decided that we're going to make it a common occurrence:) 

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