Monday, February 16, 2015

Now you see him...Now you don't!

Wow. I can't believe that it's already the 17th of February. I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in over a week. Things have been crazy and have gotten away from me. I had two papers that are due on Thursday and I wanted to turn them in by Monday before my flights out Tuesday morning. I'll be posting a couple of times this week to catch you up! Never fear! Also, I don't have any pictures on my phone, so I'll post this post and then edit it later with pictures.

So flashback to last Saturday. My dad and I got up early to go to Borough Market (yay!) and had some tasty treats. He ended up buying some homemade jerky stuff (not exactly sure), some delicious Mayfield Cheese (which I have sampled every week I have gone), breakfast which was a egg and bacon sandwich which they made in front of us, a large chocolate chip cookie, and some Nutella goat milk ice cream! I think I've converted him to marketism! (I know, not a real word)

After Borough we went to the Science Museum for an hour or two to kill some time before our match. The Science museum is on the same road as my church building, natural history museum, and the Victoria and Albert museum and they are all free! I really enjoyed the museum, it had some technology history along with modern day discoveries about the human body. It was a really large museum and we only got through the first floor and part of the second. 

We then headed to the Queens Park Rangers (QPR) home stadium to watch our game. While it wasn't as exciting as our Chelsea vs Tottingham game I still really enjoyed it. QPR is ranked pretty low in the division and they played the number 3 team Southhampton. I thought it was going to be a rollover match, but Southhampton didn't score until injury time during the second half. The fans for Southhampton went CRAZY!!! And a few minutes later (still in overtime) QPR scored, although it was called offsides. But it was still a great goal! We had some great seats! Thanks Dad!

After the match (I'll post some pictures), we headed to the Paddington Train Station and had lunch at one of the Pubs there. I had classic fish and chips:) and shared a strawberry cheesecake to share. Afterwards we headed back to my flat and grabbed my laptop to watch a movie at dads hotel. We watched A Beautiful Mind with Russell Crowe. I'd never seen it before, but dad had. In fact he said that The Imitation Game reminded him a lot of it. I enjoyed it and I loved the story, but I still like IG better:)

The following morning we went to church and then returned so dad could check out of his hotel and we went to the airport. I was sad to see him go, but I felt better about it this time! Besides he threatened to be back really soon:)


  1. We finally saw Imitation Game...loved it!! Though I think I loved Theory of Everything a wee bit more.
