Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Four Calling Birds

I can't believe that we have only 8 more days until Christmas! I'm actually starting to panic! I feel like I have a million things to do and I have little to no time to finish my errands and pack and leave!
This is how I feel right now... a list of a million things to do and pulling my hair out.

Today I had the pleasure to go to lunch with my lovely Visiting Teachers AS and JF at Olive Garden. I can already tell you that I'm going to have cravings of their breadsticks while I'm in London. It's crazy how time flies, when I was a Beehive these incredible women were my advisors and now I'm almost out of college and I feel like they haven't aged a day! I love catching up with them and I'm sad that they were only my VTs for a short period of time. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky enough to have them as my VTs again when I get back!

It was also a day of sad goodbye for me as I visited some of my clients/families for the last time. I got to visit for the last time one of my kids who has crazy curly hair and loves it when I smack the floor after he has smacked the floor. He busts up laughing every time and it makes me smile. He doesn't normally grab my hand, but today he did. Maybe he knew on a deep level that it was my last day with him. I'm going to miss him and his family like crazy. My kid has a little brother who is just a steam engine, he can run and run for days. He's super cute and he quoted bits of The Polar Express today. 

My second family that I said goodbye to today was my family that I tutor/nanny for. I've known both the mom and the girl for a number of years and have babysat her a ton! I feel like I am part of the family. The girl is taller than me, which is not very hard to beat, but still not fun-_- I've seen her grow up and it's hard for me to say goodbye, I feel like I helped raise her. I spend a couple weekends a year or a week a year nannying her and I love those weeks/weekends, they are so fun. We spend time making crafts, going to movies and of course shopping! The mom is an awesome lady who has always been supportive of me and I love talking with her when I get the chance. 

You'll be glad to know that I've finished almost everything on my list that I needed to accomplish! 
Now I just need to get around to packing, I am really dreading this... I have to pack for 6 months. I am not normally too concerned about what I wear around, but I'm stressing about this. I want to be able to take outfits that can mix and match, that way it doesn't look like I'm wearing the same outfit every week. I'm also worried that I won't have enough warm clothing for when I get over there. Living in AZ, I don't usually have to wear more than jeans and a sweater, it's going to be a huge change!!! (Sorry if I've bored you with talk about clothing. I'm really freaking out about it!)

I've started to look at places to visit and see so that I have interesting things to write about in my blog! So PLEASE if you have any suggestions of where to go or are curious about let me know! It'll give me things to talk about! So far I have:
  • Harry Potter Warner Bros Studios
  • Doctor Who Experience (Whales)
  • York
  • Scotland (to see my aunt at some point)
  • Paris
  • Maybe or maybe not Spain
  • Germany (not sure where yet)
  • Copenhagen
  • Rome
  • Venice
  • Dublin
  • Prague
  • Greece
Now I'm not saying that I'll get to all of them, but these are some of the places I would love to visit! But please! If you have suggestions I would love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. BATH!! You must go to Bath! :) Maybe Ireland? Loved it there, and the people are so nice! (And I can tell you are stressed...Whales? ;)
