Friday, December 12, 2014

The Beginning

With school ending on Wednesday and not having to worry about exams anymore, it's time to start thinking about leaving for London!

Today is the first day of the next week and a half that I have to start preparing to leave. I feel like I have so much to do in so little time! My bestie CM and I are going shopping, for me it'll probably be my last big shopping trip getting all the clothes that I need. A bittersweet moment. 

Next week will also be the last week I get to spend with my clients. I've been working with TLC for about two and a half years and with some of my clients for that long. While I will be sad to stop working, I think it will be good for me to a have a period of time where I can just focus on school and perhaps get a bit of a social life! 

I've already been looking at the singles ward I will be going to once I'm in London and thankfully it's not that far away! It'll be about a 15 minute tube ride south of where I will be living. I think of all things I'm nervous about, it will be going to the singles ward. Living at home, I decided to go to the family ward and skipped out on the singles ward and now I'm excited and nervous to go!

Anyway that's it for now! I'll keep you posted how the next couple of weeks go!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that you are excited to attend a single's ward! :)
