Monday, December 22, 2014

Nine Ladies Dancing

It's crunch time!

Last week on Thursday I had the opportunity to drive down to Scottsdale Fashion Square and meet up with my lovely friend JR, from my soccer days at PVCC. We had dinner at Paradise Bakery and I know, I just know I'm going to have cravings for their chicken and rice soup and their tasty cookies. We walked around the mall later and I guessed it...ANOTHER coat. Yes I have a serious problem, but it'll be good to have a couple *cough cough* coats to wear in London. It was hard saying goodbye and I'll miss her, she has been an amazing friend and listener. 

This weekend I had the experience of watching my 3 little cousins from Friday morning till Sunday night. I have come to the conclusion that I'm not ready to have kids yet. Don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed the time I had with them and I love them dearly, but it's a lot of work ! Hats off to you moms! I think the thing that was hardest for me was waking up so early, I'm definitely a night person. I had the pleasure of losing my youngest charge at the park for a good 10 minutes and almost experiencing an emotional breakdown. But overall I love screaming children and I think I'm going to miss hanging out with kids the next 6 months. 

I said another goodbye to my friend AS who I've known for forever. She lives down in Tucson and she wants to be a flight attendant (which I think would be an awesome job) after she graduates. AS is planning on visiting me in London at some point which I'm very excited about and hope it can actually happen! 

Tomorrow is packing day at my house and the great LL is coming over to help me pick out outfits!

1 comment:

  1. I am having cardiac arrest on your behalf at reading about your charge temporarily vanishing. It's bad enough when it's your kid (and it happens to every mom at least once...I had it happen to me at the mother lode of panic attack locations...DisneyWorld!) but almost worse when it's someone you are caring for!
