Saturday, March 14, 2015

DOOOOO WEEEOOOOOO!!!! *Doctor Who Theme Song*

Ugh. Once again I must apologize for the super late post! This past week has been quite busy, but I promise that you'll get more than one update in the course of a couple of days! WARNING: The post contains major Nerd Flashing!!!

Ok. So Thursday the 5th SJ and I packed a day bag and headed to Cardiff!!! Yes! I had the opportunity to go to Wales last week! We met at the train station at 8:45 to catch a train to Cardiff at 9:15 and let me just say that it was not a cheap ticket, but I definitely thought it was worth it! The countryside was lovely, we passed small towns here and there and there were a ton of large open fields. The day was mostly cloudy, but it didn't rain, so that was a huge plus! The train ride was a good 2 hours long and we spent most of it talking about Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Sherlock, and other nerdy things that entertained us!

By the time we arrived in Cardiff the sun was shining and overall it was a very very good day! The train station was this cute building in the middle of town and we had a short walk to the bus station to get a ride to the Doctor Who Experience. Welsh is a very funny language, as I've had it explained to me in the past it's like "The alphabet started to vomit random letters" which I found very accurate! But thankfully because we were still in the UK they also had English written everywhere as well!

The Doctor Who Experience even had it's own bus stop, so it was very easy to track down and figure out where we needed to go. 
I walked in a immediately started to cry because I was so happy to be there!

For those of you who haven't watched Doctor Who and have no idea what I'm talking about, let give you a brief summary about the show. The main character is called the Doctor and he's a time traveling alien called a Time Lord, he travels in a box called the Tardis (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) and picks up companions and has lots of different adventures along the way! What is so special about a Time Lord you ask? Well they have two hearts and when they get close to dying they have a special trick they can do which is called Regenerating (this is why there have been 12 different Doctors and 12 different actors that play him). There, I think that's a very basic summary without giving too much away!

In the lobby they had an amazing Dalek made of LEGOS!!! This thing was bigger than I am tall! 

And of course they had the Tardis!!! I love me my TARDIS!

For the first part of the tour we were able to help the Doctor retrieve three different time crystals throughout time and space. We ended up on several enemy planets, flew the Tardis, and was able to "communicate" with the Doctor on how to proceed. Of course we ended up saving all of the Universe, no big deal. While it might have been pretty dumb the entire time I was smiling and secretly dancing on the inside.

After saving the Universe, the tour opened up to two different levels full of original and replica props from 1963-2014 (the 2015 season hasn't aired yet). 

This was one of the first consoles used when the show was still running it's original seasons (something we refer to as "Classic Who"). While I have not watched Classic Who, I still appreciate how far the show has come and I still love all the Doctors. *Also a little bit of history, the show started off as a show about history, they thought that a time traveling alien would be a good way to show different points in history*

With every regeneration, the Doctor's Tardis also remodels itself (thats right, the Tardis is a conscious being and can communicate with the Time Lord) (confused yet?) Anyway, this here is the 9th and 10th (my favorite) Doctor's Tardis console! This was the one they used in the show and I was very excited to see it!
So was SJ!

Yes as you can see I'm a bit obsessed with the Tardis Console and I'm not even sorry!

As much as I hated the 50th anniversary episode (really confusing, lets just say it messes with your mind and rewrites time) I did love the outfit that Billie Piper wore in it. And we got to see a couple different Tardis exteriors!

This is the Face of Boe, a telepathic alien who is millions of years old.

What would Doctor Who be without the monsters and aliens? The picture on the left is of a weeping angel and they are the monsters I hate the most. (They are stone angels when you look at them, but when you don't look at them, they can move and send you back in time)

*Shudders* Yeah not my favorite. And of course we had to walk through a graveyard of them on the adventure with the Doctor. Anyway besides the point!

David Tennant's ORIGINAL OUTFIT!!! I definitely squealed a bit when I saw it. 

 Peter Capaldi's outfit!

Rose Tyler's (my favorite companion) most recognized outfits from the 2nd and 4th season of DW!

After we were done walking through the exhibit. We decided to walk around the bay that the building was set on. It was a beautiful day and it was sooooo pretty outside!

I really really enjoyed Cardiff and we went back after a couple of hours spent there. On the way back we watched some Star Trek on my iPod and of course it was the 2nd because it had good old Benedict Cumberbatch!

After arriving back in London we went to Wasabi for some asian food for dinner and then we went our separate ways! I had an essay to write for my Yoga class and I had to get ready for my family to come visit! Overall, it was a very very successful day and I would love to go back and spend an entire day in Cardiff just exploring the city! 

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