Sunday, March 15, 2015

Spring Break

Well to be brutally honest, I don't really remember much of Friday. I know it consisted of getting my Yoga essay finished along with going to the store to buy stuff for the FHE activity I had planned for Monday. The only thing I remember clearly was starting a movie at 11:45 at night. For those of you who haven't seen The Decoy Bride, I would definitely suggest it if you want a cute cheesy movie with a happy ending, plus mostly everyone speaks with a Scottish accent. If that doesn't sound appealing then let me throw in that the 10th Doctor (David Tennant), Helena Ravenclaw (Kelly Macdonald) and Carol Marcus (Star Trek)(Alice Eve) are all in it:)

Saturday morning I headed to the Heathrow Airport to meet my family (well some of them. Mainly my mom, dad and youngest brother).

Of course his first day in London couldn't disappoint so he casually met Benedict Cumberbatch while waiting to pick up their baggage.

Of course he's in London less than 30 minutes and he meets a celebrity while I've lived here for more than 2 months and have yet to meet any celebrity. But my dad gave me a heads up when they were heading out of customs, so I managed to get a shot of them (He and Sophie) heading out of the airport. 

I almost started to cry in the airport I was so happy got the chance to see him. But was I really upset that I didn't get to meet him? Nah. I still have 2 more months to stalk him in London!

I was super excited for my family to be in London and for me to be able to show them the city that I love! 

We headed back to the place they were staying at so we could put luggage away and head to our football match!

Mom and SH were really tired after the original excitement of arriving in London, but I think they enjoyed the atmosphere of the game! I could tell mom was not happy about all the obscene language that she overheard being shouted at and she has reassured me that she probably wouldn't be coming back to an EPL game (which was fine because I knew that she had been to plenty of mine over the years). SH really enjoyed himself, he kept asking my dad if we could go back and watch some more at the end of the week, but we didn't have time because we already had plans made! 

After the game we headed out to find food and show SH and mom the sights of London! We walked over to Parliament Square and pointed out the touristy spots such as: Westminster Abbey, the Eye and Big Ben. We went to Tortilla for dinner and stumbled upon a cool pub as we walked around. 

I definitely want to go back and go there for dinner sometime. 

Just a picture of our wanderings around on Saturday night.
Sunday after fighting large amounts of Jet Lag, we made it to church on time and stayed for Sacrament meeting and the two speakers were quite lovely. We then headed back home to change and take a walk around Kensington Palace, Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace. 

Surprisingly the weather wasn't too bad, so it was a nice walk through the park. After Buckingham we walked down the Boulevard to find dinner in Trafalgar Square. We went to dinner at a place called Byron and they had AMAZING onion rings, which I was very excited to try because I have been dying to find good ones since I've come to England. 

Monday my family went to Warner Brothers Studio tour while I was stuck in class all day
(you know since that's mostly the reason I'm in London in the first place). After yoga got out of class it was a mad dash to get home and eat dinner before heading to Poundland (like a dollar tree) to get the supplies I needed for my FHE activity. I had decided that we would all play Minute to Win It games since some of the young adults had never heard of it before. 

SH tagged along with me and helped me get set up for the games. I was really nervous about conducting these activities in my new ward (half of which I still didn't know very well). Because I was worried it wouldn't entertain everyone and others would just think it was stupid. Thankfully, my friend AD helped me manage the games. We played Elephant March (wearing panty hose on your head and knocking water bottles over), Sugar Stack (balancing sugar cubes on a wooden spoon held in your mouth), Balloon Head (keep the balloon in the air using only your head), Face the Cookie (put a cookie on your forehead and try to get it into your mouth using only your face movements) and a couple more. I think overall it went well!

Tuesday we made a feeble attempt at going to Borough Market, which was a terrible idea because more than half of the usual stalls were closed or not even there, so I left with my head hanging in shame, promising that we would be back over the weekend. Borough Market was't our only item on the agenda for Tuesday, we started off by going to St. Paul's Cathedral, the Millennial Bridge,

Globe theater, the London Bridge, Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. SH and dad even went and explore the HMS Belfast and got their picture taken.

I love love love this picture of the two of them and I plan on keeping it forever!

I took them to one of my favorite fish and chip stands in London where I got chips served in makeshift newspaper and we fed the birds. We then headed to Portobello Market where the family was staying and we found the Notting Hill Bookshop which was featured in the movie with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. 

Afterwards, mom, dad and I took off towards Charing Cross, where I was to meet a friend and they were off to explore. I went to meet AD at Trafalgar Square where we made an attempt at climbing the lions, but because they were so cold and slick, we gave up and just sat between their paws on the monument. We then headed off to M&M world to explore. I really enjoyed looking around until I found out that they don't have peanut butter M&M's in England! I was appalled! Those are my favorite kind! The entire store smelt really funny too, so we didn't stay very long, but we took a couple of pictures. 

The entire store was 4 stores tall and there were sooooo many M&Ms, however I restrained myself from getting any and we went on our merry way!

Our next stop was Nando's where we had dinner and some very yummy cheesecake. In fact they handed us each our own slice of cheesecake and a little pitcher of cream to pour on top of it. (I'm not sure why, but I wasn't going to argue!) Afterwards we walked around Oxford Streetand I showed her Tiger and we stopped in Boots to get some makeup and then we split up at Tottenham Court Road Tube Station. I was eager to try and get to bed early because we were off to Scotland the next day!

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