Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Merry Merry March!

Well, I can't believe it's already March!

This week has been pretty boring. Sunday I helped with my first activity as a member of the activity committee, Break the Fast. I arrived at the church at 11:00 to help start making different kinds of pastas! I was pretty excited to get into a kitchen to make some food! While I have been able to make food in my flat, it's such a big difference to have a roomy kitchen (although I was trying to make my way around about 8 other girls). I was pretty much put in charge of putting the pastas together after they had boiled, you know throwing the sauce and cheese and meat and such. It took the two hours before church and all of Relief Society to make sure that all of the pastas would be ready to go for Break the Fast after church. I spent the next hour after church serving food and mixing salads. I'm actually very grateful for this calling, because it allows me to be in the kitchen avoiding social confrontation during dinner:)

Monday was boring class again. Although, the sun was out for the entire day even though it was still a bit chilly:/ I received a birthday gift from the fantastic LL. At first I was really confused, but I did some research and found out that this is the milk jug from the tea set used on the Sherlock! I'm so excited to use it!

Tuesday was the same, but before I went to class I was able to register for my last full semester at ASU! I can't believe it! I won't be able to graduate until May because I still need to take an internship, but that's what I'll be focusing on during the Spring semester. Actually, I really need to start looking at different places to internship. I have to write a cover letter (which I have no idea how to do) and touch up my resume to send into places and then *gulp* I have to do some interviews to hopefully get a internship with an Occupational Therapy clinic.

Today I got my grade back from my history class on the paper I wrote I got a 67! Now the grading system here is kinda weird, but all you really need to know is that it transfers to about a B+/A-. Which is good enough for me! After class I was in desperate need to go to the grocery store. So, I went to Morrison's (the grocery store that's like Fry's) and got some ingredients for some pasta and some more slow cooker meals! Afterwards I went home and relaxed until it was time to head to my football match!

Out of all the games that I've been to while I've been here, this was the first match I was able to see the kickoff. Finally! It was a really good game! QPR 1-2 Arsenal. I was really wanting Arsenal to win and they finally scored two goals during the second half. The first half was rather boring because both teams weren't playing very well, but Arsenal picked it up after coming out after half. QPR scored with 7 minutes to go and the crowd and the team started going crazy. The crowd was yelling at the ref a lot and the two teams got pretty violent with one another. 

It was really cold heading home, so I grabbed some chips that were very hot and vinegary. And my night was complete! 

I'm not sure what the plans are tomorrow, but I really need to focus on working on my essay for my Yoga class! 

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