Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day to day life

The past couple of days have been a balance between lovely and terrible. Sometime last week I woke up with a terrible headache and it refuses to go away. Sunday my nose was alternating between runny and stuffy and I left church early because I was not feeling well at all.

Other than that. I had the opportunity to go to the London temple with my ward and I really enjoyed the experience. It took about an hour or travel by train and taxi to reach the temple and I think it will teach me that I should go to our own temple more because it's so close to home. 

On Saturday, while the roomies went to Winsdor Castle, I went to see Swan Lake for the first time at the London Coliseum. I LOVED it! I hadn't heard the music before, but it was very lovely and I plan on adding it to my list of soundtracks to listen to! Sometimes I wish that I had gotten the chance to play more sports than soccer, but I wouldn't trade my soccer experiences for the world!

The London Coliseum was a beautifully decorated building that had 3 different levels and you could see the stage quite well from all levels. There was statues in the far corners and the detail was amazing. 

While I was there I sat next to an older couple who spent most of their time traveling for his work and when they weren't traveling they were enjoying theater. The man had been pretty much everywhere: the US (where he studied abroad at Berkley), South America, Australia, Europe and Asia. I think that whatever he did for a living I should sign up for!

School has been getting better. I'm still struggling to remember my classes and where they are, but I like them (when people aren't talking during lecture). I'm a bit worried about the papers that we're going to have to write for our finals and midterms (being a Kines major you don't have to write that much!), but we are also learning how to write them in our seminars, thankfully.

Anyway, that's it for now! (Plus I'm getting carsick) we are on our way to the airport to go to Prague! 

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