Thursday, January 15, 2015

First week of School

So Monday was my first day of classes at the University of Westminster, but before school started I got to go to church on Sunday in my new ward! I was really really nervous, but I was really looking forward to church and I was so glad that I went! We had a speaker who is from Utah, Brad Wilcox (who, I was informed by my mom, went on several dates with my Aunt WE), and he spoke on why we believe in Christ. Some interesting points that I came away with were: If people tell us that Joseph Smith is a false prophet, then where is the real one? They don't have one to offer up for us. And that while the Bible has been altered many times for political reasons, we have a witness of Christ that has not been changed at all: The Book of Mormon. After church there was a baptism, a munch and mingle and then a fireside where Brad Wilcox spoke again, this time on the rules of the Church and how they allow us to fly instead of constrain us. My favorite thing that Brother Wilcox said was that "Our end goal is to become like Christ, not just come unto him".

Monday was the first day of school that I've had in a month and I had mixed feelings on going back. I was excited to get into a regular routine and to start learning again, but I didn't want to get out of my warm bed early Monday morning. My first class being at 9 o'clock I left at 8 thinking I would get there on time, unfortunately the tube had some problems, so I had to take a bus, but I was only a few minutes late and lecture hadn't started yet! My first class was Introduction to Developmental and Social Psychology which was a bit odd (I'm very grateful that I'm not a Psych major), but the professor put clips from the Matrix in the powerpoint, so I think it'll be alright. My second class of the day, Yoga, was 4 hours after Psych ended, so I hung around the lobby and read (I have the feeling I'm going to be able to get a lot of reading done because of it). Yoga was a four hour class and don't worry we didn't just do Yoga (thankfully, I'm sore from the mere hour and a half that we did). Two of my roommates are in that class with me, TP and MC, so we got to head home and make tacos for dinner because we we craving Mexican food! Unfortunately, as you can imagine, England doesn't have a ton of Mexican food and we had to improvise a bit. They had the basics: tortillas, salsa, cheese (although it's still white cheddar), meat and taco seasoning. But no chips and refried beans!!! Our Mexican night was incomplete!!! Thank goodness for Pinterest in teaching me how to make homemade tortilla chips that turned out alright!

Tuesday was a lovely day! I didn't have class till 2 o'clock so I got to sleep in and do some chores around the flat. Class today was Cognitive Psychology and it went better than Monday's Psych class, we learned more about the parts of the brain and how things are processed.

Wednesday was a bit of a doozy.*A little background about my trip on Wednesday. We have been instructed that we can only use a certain type of tablet in the washing machine and that these are hard to find. Well, the 4 of us were rather sick of not having any clean clothes, so I took matters into my own hands. I wanted to find these tablets at the store so I went ahead and purchased them online so that I could go after class to pick them up. So that we could finally have some clean laundry after being here nearly 3 weeks.* I had my history class, The London Blitz (which I am super excited about!!!) which got out early about 12:15 and then I headed to Brent's Cross to pickup these washing machine tablets. It was a 45 minute tube ride out north in the middle of nowhere and I had to wait about 30 minutes once I got to the store to pick up my purchase (Not to mention I had to walk about a half a mile just to cross the highway AND I was wearing my new heeled boots). Needless to say I was not a happy camper when I finally got back to my flat.

One of the girls (a couple of flats above us are in the ISA program as well) birthday was Wednesday so we went to a nice Italian restaurant for dinner. It was very very tasty and pretty well priced as well. The meals in England are smaller than a typical American meal and while I really did enjoy it I was missing some fresh breadsticks from Olive Garden! (although I did feel a bit out of place because out of the 7 girls I was the only one who didn't get some sort of drink, I think the waiter was a bit shocked as well) (but after attending institute today I was glad that I upheld my standards).

I am actually going to post another post about what we did today which I was very very very excited about:)

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