Thursday, January 1, 2015

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!


Yes I am going to start off today's post with a quote! And I'm sure to post lots more because I feel that  people can sometimes put things in words better than I can.

Found a TARDIS! Now I just need to find the Doctor!

So I've been bouncing back and forth between feelings today: exhaustion, excitement and depression. The first, because of our delayed flight, I got 4 hours of sleep yesterday night and 5 or so last night. My body clock is out of whack, in fact, it's still probably running on Hawaii time, which is 10 hours behind London. We've only been here half a day and we've already done a ton of walking, my legs will probably be a bit sore tomorrow. The second, because I'm finally in LONDON!!! I can't believe that I'm here there are so many new places to explore and discover and new things to taste and eat! For my first official meal what else could I eat besides Fish and Chips? I'm sure by the end of six months I will be sick of them, but today is not that day! The final, is because I'm in London! I'm away from my family and I'm on my own in an entirely different city where I currently don't have a cell phone or any sense of direction.

I'm so grateful that my dad is accompanying me for a couple of days and helping me get settled in. This is his first time in Europe in general and I think he's starting to like it, although most of the time he tells me how he's planning on pestering the cops or climbing the fence into Buckingham to get arrested. He also upgraded my seat to first class on the way over so that the 9 hour flight wasn't so bad after all. He's awesome like that! We are also going to a match tomorrow evening: Chelsea (who is #1) and Tottingham.
 Picture of my dad in first class!

Got to eat some sort of crab/mushroom appetizer and a salad and watch Guardians of the Galaxy!


Today's post is somewhat of a two parter. I was so tired of writing last night that I didn't post it, but I'm posting now!

Today was a fun day! I spent New Years sleeping off jet lag, so Happy New Years everyone! I heard the fireworks go off and then I passed right back out. We did some more adventuring today. We went over to Westminster Abbey and Big Ben where the New Year's Parade was at. Honestly, it wasn't that exciting. There were lots of marching bands and cars pulling decorated trailers, but no self driving floats like there are in America. We've definitely got Britain beat in parade aspects! On the way back to the hotel we stopped in Piccadilly Circus (for those of you who are Sherlock fans, this is is seen in the Sherlock opening credits) (This isn't my picture, mine was very crooked, but I will go back and get another picture)

Tonight was also our match!!! Chelsea vs. the Spurs. Surprisingly, Chelsea was the higher ranked team, but they ended up losing 3-5. We had a very enjoyable time, each of the teams have special chants that they sing during the game. I can't decide between my favorite that the Spurs fans chanted: "The media's right, the fans are sh**e" (pronounced shy-t) or "That's why you're wankers!" These fans were crazy! They chanted, sang, and yelled at the refs the entire time. The game was lots of fun and I plan on going to a lot more, the problem is finding cheaper tickets...something for me to think on.

The stadium had an open top...It was really cold!

I like the purple keeper jersey

Finding places to eat is going well. We are trying to avoid the fast food/ restaurants because those can be a bit expensive. But we stopped in Victoria station on the way back from the match and we found a little place called Tortillas which is kinda like a Chipotle...actually it's very much like a Chipotle. It was very tasty, afterward we found a cupcake stand that was really good (which is a problem, because I like good cupcakes-_-

Not sure what we are going to do tomorrow, but hopefully it'll be fun! I would still like some recommendations of places to go!


  1. Thanks for letting me live via through you! I love the photos too! I am glad that we can still text each other when you have the internet and or wifi.

  2. Try the baguette sandwiches in Victoria Station...super yummy and very portable! :) Also, if you spot huge donut-looking things with powdered sugar and whipped creme, by all means, partake! We found some at a kiosk in some small mall near Victoria Station and they were delish! Pastry, baby! :) And a parting thought...I am pretty sure that your dad busting into Buckingham would alleviate any sense of gloom. Watching that wily athlete dart around while the guards tried to catch him...priceless! Please video and post online so we can all enjoy. ;)

    1. Oh my heck Lori! You make me laugh out loud!
