Thursday, January 15, 2015

Lists and Lists

Today's post will be split into two part and the second part will definitely be rather long so bare with me! The first part (this one) is just my lists I thought I share with you about what's been running through my mind while I've been here the past couple of weeks. If you have no interest about my inner workings feel free to skip and wait for my second post in an hour or two!

Things that I miss

  • Walmart
    • Walmart, Walmart & Walmart. There is no concept of any sort of superstore here, if you need groceries, make up and new socks, you need to go to three different stores (sometimes more if they don't have the brand you are looking for). 
  • Tortilla Chips
    • I have not been able to find any bags of tortilla chips in any of the stores I have visited! So my roommates and I have made our own (tortillas, olive oil and salt) and it works as a substitute, but I still crave tortilla chips very badly.
  • My Dog
    • Everywhere I look I see dogs! And for some strange reason the English are very protective of their dogs, so you can't go up and pet them:( So every time I pass one in the street I make a weird sort of whining and I'm sure I get weird looks from people around me.
  • A dryer
    • For some reason, we are not allowed to use the dryer in our flat. I'm not sure why, maybe because it doesn't work or takes up too much electricity, but we have to air dry EVERYTHING! (Have you ever air dried anything? It gets crispy and does not feel nice against your skin)
Things that I Love 
  • Transportation
    • While I have spent quite a bit of money on public transportation, I love it! I can get on the tube and pull out my electronic book, read and be on my own. It's probably my favorite part of most days. It's very easy to get around and you do quite a bit of walking (it makes me feel very eco-friendly)
  • The chocolate
    • What's not to love about European chocolate? Its sooooo tasty and smooth and rich, not all waxy (as my mom would say about some American chocolate). For now I've stuck with the chocolate I know best, but I'm slowly trying different kinds. 
  • The weather
    • Some people may hate the fact that it's mostly cloudy and often rainy in London and while I do hate the occasional soaking downpour, it's so beautiful! I love the change in climate from hot, dry and sunny to this! (although my skin is having trouble adjusting to the different climate, I've been peeling pretty bad)
  • The perfect place
    • I mean this in a geographical way! I've been starting to plan trips around Europe during breaks and it's so easy to get from one country to another! I love it! So, if I feel like spending a 4 day weekend in Paris, it's only a two hour train ride away!
Tips for Traveling in London (That I've learned the hard way)
  • Always carry an umbrella! 
    • The weather changes quite suddenly here, and it is not a nice thing to be caught in the open when it starts to rain because then you are cold and wet.
  • Wear comfortable shoes
    • If you don't plan on taking a taxi everywhere (they are expensive), you need to wear comfortable shoes because you will be doing a lot of walking! Heels are not a nice thing to wear if you aren't used to walking in them for a couple of miles.
  • Do not talk on the Tube
    • Don't talk on the Tube. (whispering or speaking quietly is fine) Usually when this happens the locals glare at you from over their newspaper and you can hear their unspoken Stupid Americans. 
  • Cheers
    • Cheers is often used to replace the word thanks. Sometimes said when someone is squeezing passed you on the tube or when you give them something. Sometimes when you say it to someone in your American accent it sounds a bit weird and you get an odd look in return. 
Anyway, those are the thoughts I have for right now. I will be back shortly to tell you about my Fantastic week!

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